Privacy Policy


Please note that the Safe Windows and Doors only collects your personal information with your consent. Our aim is to collect the minimum amount of personal information necessary to complete your orders and for the purpose of your interaction with us. We do not sell your personal information to third parties, and we only use it for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement.

Why we need it

We require your personal information to follow up with your enquiry and provide you with relevant information and prices. We will only use your personal information internally to communicate with you.

How long do we keep it?

If you have used our contact form service from our website (, we will respond to you directly and then discard your data. However, if you have requested that we keep your details on file, we will ensure that the details are secured and used only for communication purposes.
Safe Windows and Doors will ensure that all personal data supplied and held will be in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (25th May 2018) and the Data Protection Act 1998.

What are your rights?

If at any point you believe that the information we process on you is incorrect, you have the right to request to see this information, and you can even have it corrected or deleted. If you wish to raise a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us via our Contact Us page.